It is nearly impossible to walk down the halls of my high school and not see a group of kids snapchatting, or taking selfies. Our culture, since the development of smart phones, has developed an obsession with taking pictures of themselves. It is gotten quite out of hand, and there are many negative effects of this obsession. People, especially girls, are becoming more and more concerned with their appearance, even when no one (but their Snapchat friends) are around. In my anatomy class my teacher said, "The problem with your generation is that you don't know the difference between a memory and a picture." This is actually very true. I can't remember the last time I went to an event in which one person didn't take a picture. I am not exempt from this problem, and I admit to snapchatting and taking selfies daily (exemplified by Reils and I's selfie below). Even Obama, the president of the United States, takes selfies! At the Oscars this year, Ellen Degeneres' selfie was the most retweeted post on record, with over 2 million retweets.

When talking about selfies in American Studies, my English teacher mockingly said, "Do I look any better now?" and then responded to his own question by saying, "No, much the same actually." Why are we so obsessed with taking pictures of ourselves? Do we just like seeing our own faces? Is it just a fad? Do you think selfies are just harmless fun, or are there consequences?
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