"While I take inspiration from the past, like most Americans, I live for the future." -Ronald Reagan
Favorite 4th Quarter Post!
The other day I was listening to Pandora and a very strange advertisement (on right) popped up on my screen. Pictured was a pregnant man, and the caption read, "Unexpected? Protect yourself and your partner. Avoid unplanned pregnancies and STIs. Use condoms." It is obvious that we are making progress in that our generation is the least homophobic generation that America has had, but I think that this ad is taking it to an extreme. This is simply uncalled for. This is not an attractive advertisement to me, and actually I find it quite sexist and racist. Everything about this advertisement is "unexpected". For biological reasons, it is simply impossible for a man to become pregnant. He also looks extremely sad and ashamed, which I find degrading to women. I think that pregnancy is a beautiful thing, and this ad makes it seem disgusting and something that is unwanted. He has lost all hope, because his life is now ruined thanks to this unexpected occurrence.
It is also interesting that the man is of color. The advertisement proposes that this sort of thing would only happen to a minority, maybe suggesting that they are not as educated in this topic. This makes me wonder who the target audience of this ad is. Is it targeted towards minorities? Maybe African-Americans and/or gay people? What do you think about this sort of advertisement? Is it too much?
Pero qué cancioncita....
puchaaa Ubu callate pues ese blog es para mi clase de ingles jaja
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