Although some view these photos as inappropriate, too graphic or even sexual, I think of them as art and as an amazing way for Beth to tell her story. It is amazing that a woman would make herself completely vulnerable to the world, simply exposing herself in every way possible, in order to educate women about the dangers of this terrible disease. So brave. So selfless. So smart. Obviously Beth knew that the only possible way to inform people of the battle scars and the aftermath of having cancer was to show this body, this uniquely beautiful body, to everyone. Whether they were ready to see it or not. Although things often appear "normal" or "untouched" on the outside, but by taking a peek on the inside we can often uncover a different story. The biggest problems and challenges in life are often ones that we don't see coming or are temporarily invisible, and Beth is making a statement in that everyone should be proactive about breast cancer and take it seriously.
What are your thoughts on Beth's photo shoot? Do you think that she takes it too far? Do you think that this will be an effective way of conveying breast cancer to the world?
Nice post! I agree with you, Madeleine. I think that "Under the Red Dress" is a brilliant way to show the hidden affects of breast cancer. I'm sure many people will be prompted by Beth's courage to take a stand and try to raise breast cancer awareness and funds for research. What a great project.
I love hearing stories about brave people who are trying to break out of norms and raise awareness for something important to them! I think that the way Mrs. Waanga is presenting herself, as a strong, capable woman, is the right way to present her campaign. She doesn't try to over-sex herself or emphasize the fact that she is still beautiful, which is very humble, yet speaks measures to how down to earth she is.
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